Honey-Crisp Apples for Sale!

The Knights of Columbus will be selling Apples this year! Honey-crisp apples will be available with pre-ordering open now. The proceeds raised will benefit the St. Louis Catholic School and those in most need. Preorder by check or by credit card/PayPal!

Apples are expected in September. Pick up will be at the St. Louis Church and you will be contacted with updates on the delivery date and an update on the day the apples arrive. If you have any questions, please contact Chris Giles at 303-909-9371.

By buying your apples from your local parish Knights of Columbus council - 11851, you can be assured that the proceeds will benefit charities that support life.

Please ensure you fill in your email address and phone number so we can contact you when the apples arrive. You may also leave instructions to the merchant in the notes section.

Honey Crisp Apples

Thank you for your support! Apples are expected in September (pickup at church). Please ensure we have your email and a contact phone number so we can contact you for pickup when the honey crisp apples arrive. They must be picked up as quickly as possible to ensure they are fresh and to clear out the church basement!

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Apples QR Code